It's been a very interesting growing season here in our front and back yards. There have been great successes and huge failures. I am coming to the realization that some things thrive in our garden AND are of no interest to pests/animals. I will make a note to grow more of those things (asparagus, red zeppelin onions, rojo garlic, random potatoes that sprouted in the kitchen and got thrown in the garden and red russian kale)!
asparagus fronds collecting energy for next year's harvest |
backyard double fenced garden beds |
The third plot into the garden is definable only by the lack of plants growing. The tomatoes are failing this year. The 3 tomato plants that I bought have the only green tomatoes. They are being ripped from the vine and chewed on only to be left on the ground. My tomato seedlings are about a foot high and going nowhere. But with disappointment comes some success. We were so excited to harvest all of our garlic this week. What a rewarding vegetable to grow!