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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Checkin' Out the Swap Crop

This is our pre-swap crop delivered earlier today.  Kitty was so curious!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Tomorrow's Plant Swap Will Also Feature A Mini Bake Sale!

We're so excited for tomorrow's Plant Swap!

We'll also be hosting a small bake sale. Proceeds will be used to support Montclair Township Animal Shelter. Munch on cookies or a slice of citrus blueberry bundt cake as you swap seedlings!

See you soon...

Thursday, May 16, 2013

More seedlings coming in, this time from the lovely Ms Elizabeth

Pattypan, Zucchini, Bell Peppers and Tomatoes see below for a sampling...........

4' x4' raised bed, food for a family before and after pics - GO ANNIE J!

A neat square of soil, ready for sowing.

1 month later, radishes ready to be harvested - YUMMY!

Scrumdiddly seedlings ready to be potted up for the swap, come and get them this Saturday!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

One more report.......

Efforts somewhat thwarted by too much shade and the late cold snap

Further seedling status updates

From another Fullerton Family, different part of town tho'.

Don't these look ravishing!

Potty for Pots

Come and get yourself some of these this Saturday, May 18th 2-5pm
 Urban Farm at Crane House, 108 Orange Road, Montclair NJ 07042

thank you Sharon and Maya!

Squash, just one of these will keep you in squash all summer long!

Tomatoes and Peppers, look small now but just wait and watch these grow and feed you!

How does your garden grow?



Tuesday, May 7, 2013

From NYT: Urban Gardening: An Appleseed With Attitude

Reading and watching this now:

From NYT Article on Ron Finely: Last winter at TED, the annual ideas confab in Long Beach, his rousing 10-minute talk about guerrilla gardening in low-income neighborhoods was the hug-your-neighbor presentation of the week, and Mr. Finley was suddenly the man to meet. 

“South Central Los Angeles [is the] home of the drive-thru and the drive-by. Funny thing is, the drive-thrus are killing more people than the drive-bys.” ~ Ron Finley

Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Call to Art

Fellow guerrillas we need lots and lots of art to promote our 

Seedling Swap, Saturday May 18th 2-5pm. Tomorrow I will confirm the venue. 

Meanwhile please recruit your good selves, partners, friends, offspring and others artistically inclined to be ready to make a myriad of posters to spread the word around town. 

We are looking for:
posters with details of the swap - to be confirmed tomorrow 
signs to identify the seedlings by vegetable and variety

anything from this

run, don't walk to the Guerrilla Gardening Seedling Swap etc.

to this

 or wherever else your artistic inclination takes you

As soon as we have details, everyone please get busy postering and telling people, tell your friends, tell your neighbors, tell your cat, tell your cat to tell your neighbor's cat.

Vive la veggie révolution, mes petit choux!