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Monday, August 26, 2013

stir fry makes younger people (kids) enjoy veggies more. it tastes real yummers with some soy sauce!!
by Tal-Rex----age 12

Thursday, August 15, 2013

How does your Garden grow?

Mid August, mixed results:
My more shaded garden in a new raised bed has the mystery squash plant taking over the world.
Wild and gorgeous squash, lots of flowers but no fruit
Can you spot lavender, mint, cherry tomatoes, grape vine, nasturtiums? There are also some pepper plants in there somewhere. This spot is shady until noon.

Meanwhile over in the sunny, official vegetable patch.......

This garden had to recover from the crafty groundhog who got around all the fencing and stripped it almost bare. A couple of weeks post groundhog and one feeding later (I used an organic herb and vegetable solution in lots of water) eggplants are producing, tomatillos have flourished, I have one squash variety unknown and the world's saddest tomato collection (almost nil but a few brave romas coming in).

It appears the tomatoes prefer a little less intense sun, comments, thoughts welcome.

Post your gardening results, the triumphs, the tragedies, the inbetweens.